PG Diploma
Govt. Aided
(Program Code)
Program Name
(BPMC) B.Sc.(Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics)
(BPMCs) B.Sc. (Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science)
(MPH) M.Sc.Physics
(MMB) M.Sc.Microbiology
(PGDCA) PG Diploma in Computer Application
(DPH) Physics
(BPMGl) B.Sc. (Physics, Mathematics, Geology)
(BPMEl) B.Sc. (Physics, Mathematics, Electronics)
(MCH) M.Sc.Chemistry
(MBT) M.Sc.Biotechnology
(PGDYP) PG Diploma in Yoga Education and Philosophy
(BCBZ) B.Sc.(Chemistry, Botany, Zoology)
(BCMIc) B.Sc.(Chemistry, Mathematics, Ind.Chemistry)
(MMT) M.Sc.Mathematics
(MLIS) M. Lib & I. Sc.
(DMT) Mathematics
(BCZGl) B.Sc.(Chemistry, Zoology, Geology)
(BCBMb) B.Sc.(Chemistry, Botany, Microbiology)
(MBO) M.Sc.Botany
(MSW) Master of Social Work
(DBO) Botany
(BCZAn) B.Sc.(Chemistry, Zoology, Anthropology)
(BCZBt) B.Sc. (Chemistry, Zoology, Biotechnology)
(MZO) M.Sc.Zoology
(DZO) Zoology
(BHnPsS) B.A. (Hindi Lit., Pol. Sc., Sociology)
(BCZBc) B.Sc. (Chemistry, Zoology, Biochemistry)
(MGL) M.Sc.Geology
(DGL) Geology
(BEgPsS) B.A. (English Lit., Pol. Sci., Sociology)
(BCZIc) B.Sc. (Chemistry, Zoology, Ind. Chemistry)
(MHN) M.A.Hindi
(DMB) Microbiology
(BHsPsS) B.A. (History, Pol. Sc., Sociology)
(BCOMCa) B.Com. (Additional Paper Comp. Application)
(MEN) M.A.English
(DBT) Biotechnology
(BEPsS) B.A. (Economics, Pol. Sc., Sociology)
(BCA) BCA(All compulsory papers)
(MEC) M.A.Economics
(DHN) Hindi
(BEHnS) B.A. (Economics, Hindi Lit., Sociology)
(BLIS) B. Lib & I. Sc.
(MGG) M.A.Geography
(DEN) English
(BPsSSn) B.A.(Pol. Sc., Sociology, Sanskrit)
(MPS) M.A.Pol.Sc.
(DEC) Economics
(BHsPsSn) B.A.(History, Pol. Sc., Sanskrit)
(MSL) M.A.Sociology
(DGG) Geography
(BHnHsPs) B.A. (Hindi Lit., History, Pol. Sc.)
(MHS) M.A.History
(DPS) Pol. Sc.
(BEHnPs) B.A. (Economics, Hindi Lit., Pol. Sc.)
(MCOM) M.Com.
(DSL) Sociology
(BPsSG) B.A. (Pol. Sc., Sociology, Geography)
(DHS) History
(BEPsG) B.A. (Economics, Pol. Sc., Geography)
(DCOM) Commerce
(BHnPsG) B.A. (Hindi Lit., Pol. Sc., Geography)
(BHnSG) B.A. (Hindi Lit., Sociology, Geography)
(BEHnG) B.A. (Economics, Hindi Lit., Geography)
(BHsPsG) B.A. (History, Pol.Sc., Geography)
(BHnSP) B.A. (Hindi Lit., Sociology, Psychology)
(BEgSP) B.A. (English Lit., Sociology, Psychology)
(BPsPS) B.A. (Pol.Sci., Psychology, Sociology)
(BCOM) B.Com. (All compulsory papers)
Total – 24