Department of Computer Science

Computer Science Department

Department at a Glance

In 21st century Information Technology is the central dogma of knowledge for any civilized society. Today all field of knowledge need help of computer science for their ramification and manifestation. But still our society is divisible into three categories one is computer literate and another computer illiterate and third one is super skilled equipped with knowledge of computer technology.Our country is moving fast and competing with whole of the world, under such circumstances it is essential for us to bridge the gap among all three categories of population. So, with the aim to bridge the gap and support our society to transform for 21st century, Department of Computer Science has been launched in 2004 and since then department is moving ahead to achieve the goal.

Our vision is to provide skilled resource person in the field of computer application and information technology to our society, so that our upcoming generation may translate our society at par to world level knowledge. Our specialized vision is to bring the youth of Chhattisgarh especially tribes on main track of modern knowledge to generate livelihood among them.

To fulfill above vision our mission is –

  • To produce skilled stakeholder to the society in the field of computer science and information technology with various forms of degree.
  • To generate job oriented skilled society.
  • To make literate our society for computer science.
  • To provide solution to all branches of knowledge by the help of information technology.


Research Paper

Miss.Kajal Kiran Gulhare

    • Gulhare Kajal, Hota H.S.,Shukla S.P., "Review of Intelligent Techniqes applied for classification and processing of Medical image data",published in IJCSI Journal,volume 10,issue 1,no. 3,January 2013.


    • Gulhare Kajal Kiran,S.pavani,S.Ganga,"evaluation of teacher's performance using Fuzzy Logic Techniques",published in IJCTT journal of computer Trends and technology,volume 3,issue 2-2012, issn :2231-2803.




Date of Event

Theme/Title of the Event


20 to 27 Aug 2012

Workshop for preparation of PPT for M.Sc physics students


9 to 14 Sept 2013

Workshop for preparation of PPT ,cv,email and online form submission


13 Jan to 14 Feb 2014

Workshop for M.A. hindi students for basic computer knowledge(20days)


11 to 17 Dec 2014

2days Workshop for school teachers and 1week for students "basic computer knowledge and office automation"


25 March 2015

Workshop on Ethical Hacking


08 September 2015

Workshop on computer basics for M.A. Students of Sociology,History,Economics and Hindi Department.



There are 2 separate laboratories for computer science consisting of 80 computers.

I.C.T Facilities

Computers, Computer accessories, LCD Projector, Internet Facility, Smart Interactive Board etc.


National Conference/InternationalConference


Miss. Kajal Kiran Gulhare


Title of Paper



Development of self learning materials for open and distance learning

Organized by pssou university,Bilaspur (C.G.) 2012


Matlab based design and implementation of advanced control signal and image processing algorithms

NIT Raipur 2013


Fuzzy AHP method applied to evaluate best institutions ranking for engineering students

Chouksay Engineering College, Bilaspur 2013


MATLAB & simulink for engineering education

Mathworks india 2013


computer applications and science teaching , learning and research

E. Raghvendra Rao PG Science College, Bilaspur 2013


Design and Development of self learning materials and E-modules for open and distance learning

Organized by pssou university,Bilaspur(c.g.)



In E-learning process cloud computing issues and benefits for teachers and students

IRSMT-2015&cg cost,Raipur,organized bilaspur universiy


National seminar 2015

Innovation and Research in science, Management and Technology


Mr. Durgesh Kumar Kotangle


Title of Paper



National Research Seminar 2011

Woman awareness in globalization age


National Seminar 2015

Innovation and Research in science, Management and Technology


National Workshop 2015 UGC

Workshop on green chemistry and it’s future prospects


National Seminar 2015

Energy harvesting materials and techniques for sustainable Development


National Seminar 2016

New frontiers of higher education RUSA and it’s imlpoication


International Conference 2016

Recent Trends in science and Engineering


National Workshop 2016(ICRTSE)

Advanced Computer Application for Digital Chhattisgarh


Preparation of PPT ,cv,email and online form submission

Venue : Govt. Science College Durg
Date : 09-09-2013

Click here for details