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Departmental Research committee

Departmental Research Activities

In 2015 the department was recognised as the research centre of Hemchand Yadav University, Durg. Since its inception the centre is known for its high standards of research with a strong commitment to excellence in research. The centre aims at carrying out research both in traditional and current areas of English studies. In addition to core English literature and American literature components, it encourages work in new literatures in English, Indian Writing in English, African- American Literature and Colonial and Post colonial Studies.

The Departmental Research Committee coordinates with the Principal as its Chairman and Head, Department of English and research guides as its members.

Dr.  Qamar Talat (member)

Dr. Somali Gupta (member)

Dr. Mercy George (member)

Dr. Tarlochan Kaur Sandhu (member)

Ph. D. Coursework for research scholars is also undertaken by the Departmental Research Committee. Apart from easy access to the Central library and to extensive collection of primary research material, the research scholars are provided with a comfortable space to carry on their research. To enhance the research culture among the researchers, seminars are organized and their participation is encouraged. Three research scholars have been awarded doctoral degrees in the year 2022-23. 21 scholars are pursuing their research from this centre. The faculty and the research scholars have published research papers in various national and international journals. Dr. Somali Gupta has submitted a minor research project funded by Govt.V.Y.T. PG. Autonomous College, Durg, C.G. in the year 2023.