Virtual Tour



Funding agency
Dhokra Kala Prasikshan  karyashala
Govt. V. Y. T.  PG  Auto. Colleghe, Durg
17-27 September 2021
National Workshop on Research Methodoly

24-30 May 2021

Net/Set Guidance Classes

14 to 28  February 2020
Puratatvik Ptatikriti Nirman Karyashala
11 to 25 January 2019

         Workshop 1



The Department of History organized   11 days workshop on Dhokra Art TrainingWorkshop for UG & PG students of the college from 17- 27 September 2021.The training Programme was inaugurated on 17th September 2021 andclosing ceremony was held on 27th September 2021. The renownedtrainers were from Jhitki -Mitki Van hastkala samiti, Kondagaon. 

Objectives of the workshop 

  1. To acquaint students about rich tribal regional art.
  2. Training for preservation promotion and promotion of our tribal culture.
  3. Skill development of students for self-employment.          

About 54 students and 05 teachers attendedthe workshop. The participants were trained in all four processes.

1. Preparation of Rough structure offigurines with mixture of black soil, white ant soil, rice bran and sand.

2. Threading the structure with honeybee wax

3. Copper metal melting and casting process

4. And finally finishing the figurines.

 Allthe participants enjoyed the workshop. Exhibition of Dokra Art was appreciatedby all the visitors. Overall, the workshop was successful and participantsacquired the knowledge of rich tribal art of Chhattisgarh.


               Workshop 2


            National Workshop onResearch Methodology

 Seven day workshop onresearch Methodology was organized in association with department of PoliticalScience, Sociology, Economics,English, Hindi and Commerce from 24th May to 30th May2021. A large number of research scholars participated in the workshop.


Workshop 3


              Net/Set GuidanceClasses

NET/ SETclasses for research scholars and PG students were organized in collaborationwith Economics, Commerce, Sociology, Pol.. Sciencefrom 14 to 28 February 2020. Totalregistered  students were 64.


Workshop 4



The Department of History organized 15 days’ workshop on PuratatikPratikriti Nirman Karyashala in collaboration with Department of Cultureand Archaeology, Government of Chhattisgarh for UG & PG students of thecollege from 11January to 25 January 2019.The training Programme was inauguratedon 11th January 2019 and closing ceremony was held on 25thJanuary 2019.

 Objectives of theworkshop 

  1. To acquaint students about our rich cultural heritage.
  2. Training for reconstruction and preservation of archaeological remains.
  3. Skill development of students for self-employment.   


About 20 students and 05 teachers attended the workshop. Theparticipants were trained in all four processes:–

  1. mould making,
  2. casting
  3.  finishing the figurine, and
  4. Finally colouring.

Bythis workshop, the department imparted not only the knowledge of rich culturaltradition of India but also to protect and preserve our rich cultural heritage.